Car insurance is a fact of life for millions of drivers. The only state in the United States where car insurance is not a requirement is New Hampshire. However, drivers there must demonstrate they have the financial ability to pay for damages if they cause an accident. Everyday, there are thousands of roadway accidents. In some of these cases, a car is totaled, and the … [Read more...]
What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
So you're currently renting, and you're not sure if you should get renters insurance. What does renters insurance cover? Doesn't the landlord's property insurance protect you and your belongings? How much is it going to cost? And what is the cost dependent on? These are all common questions you might have about renters insurance. We'll answer all of them and more as we go … [Read more...]
Is Nationwide Renters Insurance Right For You?
Renters insurance is there to protect your belongings in case of an unexpected event. Typically, you can go online and easily find a quote for renter's insurance. You may even go with the first quote you receive, and be done with it. But, there is the possibility of getting a better deal on renter's insurance if you take the time to do the research and look at all of your … [Read more...]
Cheap Car Insurance | What You Need To Know
Car insurance is a requirement if you own a car. But, there's no reason to pay more than you have to for it. The average cost of car insurance is around $1,426 per year. That breaks down to $118.63 per month. Of course, these costs will vary based on your personal circumstances, and especially your location. We all want to get more out of our insurance while paying … [Read more...]
How Much Is Renters Insurance?
A lot of people believe that renters insurance is going to affect their monthly cash flow the same as having another credit card or loan payment. The reality is that it’s NOT! People are not protecting their things like they should just because they are just not well informed. In this article we are going to answer some common questions and go over the important aspects … [Read more...]
7 Best Renters Insurance Options
A lot of what we have is so important that it requires protection. For instance, we need to have insurance on our cars, our house, our boats and even properties that we’re renting from someone else. There’s a lot of questions when it comes to renters insurance, like: What are you getting out of that? What should I look for? Are there any discounts available? … [Read more...]